Biomaterial Workshops with Materials Driven 2023-24
A series of workshops exploring the creation of different bioplastics, composites, bricks and biomaterial using common ingredients such as leaves, egg shells, coffee, fabric and orange peel. Throughout the workshop we explored how these ingredients could be combined with biomaterials such as agar agar and gelatine to create usable and sustainable materials, which could be used to create spaces of circularity. 

Eggshell composite
Alginate Bioplastic
Gelatine Bioplastic and Pectin Biomaterial
Casien Bioplastic
Agar Agar Natural Fibre Brick
Agar Agar Elastic Bioplastic
Gelatine Bioplastic
Agar Agar Bioplastic and CMC Biocomposite
Xanthan Gum Biocomposite, Casien Bioplastic and Gelatine Bioplastic